Friday, May 1, 2009

Soap Making Today

It's been several days since I last posted.  It's been raining every day, so the garden is soggy and the only thing I've done in it is to pick some asparagus and pull a feed weeds from the asparagus bed.  More rain is to come today and tomorrow.  When the rain stops and the garden dries out, it will be time to plant EVERYTHING I haven't planted yet.

Wednesday morning was the opening day for my second farmers' market and what a nice morning!  The sun was shining and the rain held off until later in the day.  We had 2 new vendors and some prospective vendors chatted with our market manager.  I strongly encourage everyone to shop at their local farmers' markets.  Doing so helps your local economy and helps the local farmers/vendors.  Plus you have the opportunity to visit with the vendors to learn about their gardening practices and you know where the food came from.

I made the Bug Off Blend soap a few days ago and it is now curing.  I had a lot of requests for this one over the last weekend.  I just finished making a batch of Madagascar Vanilla and after lunch will make another batch of soap.  Not decided yet on what scent it will be.

I have to share a goat story.  Our goats don't like being out in the rain.  So if it's raining, they can be found inside the barn.  Last night after supper I heard the goats bleating.  I thought that was odd and looked outside.  Fawn, our newest doe, was standing outside the barn in the rain just a hollering.  So I grabbed my windbreaker and a hat, slipped on my rubber boots and ran down to the barn with #2 daughter.  The barn door was shut and poor Fawn couldn't get in.  Apparently another of the does, Marshmellow, had closed the barn door.  She is known for doing that, as well as rubbing, pushing on the stable doors and closing them as well.  We let Fawn back in the barn and she ran in and promptly shook herself.  I told her that now she was beautiful after having a rain shower.  Ha, ha!   Marshmellow's grandmother, Happy, was famous for turning the barn lights off and on.

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