Sunday, May 31, 2009

May is almost over!

Well, I've been so busy that I've not posted in a while again.  Since my last blog, we spent the weekend of May 16 & 17  at Ironton, MO's Arcadia Valley Mountain Music Festival.  We always enjoy spending time there.  Arcadia Valley is very beautiful and full of history, such as nearby  Fort Davidson, a Civil War site with a museum and the original groundworks.  Anyway, the music festival was great!  There were numerous bands on 2 stages, several food vendors (with funnel cakes!!!!!), and various other vendors, which included me and my goat milk soaps.  Saturday was much colder than I remembered the weatherman predicting.  I didn't bring my spinning wheel on Saturday, but I did bring it on Sunday.  Met a teacher from a school in the area who asked if I did spinning demonstrations at schools.  I told her I did if I was invited.  So we gave her my business card and she will be in touch when it's closer to the time her school has their Fall Festival.  One thing we always enjoy about visiting Ironton is that we eat supper at Bailey Joe's BBQ.  They have the most delicious BBQ pork and their Cherry BBQ sauce is so good we have to buy a few bottles to take home with us!

The next weekend we spent in Cape Girardeau at the Southeast MO Meat Goat Association's Goat Show in Arena Park.  Even though we raise diary goats, we enjoyed watching the goat show and learned a lot.  We sold some goat milk soaps and we got to enjoy goat burgers, goat brats, and smoked goat meat.  Yum! Yum!

Because of the rain we keep receiving, I haven't finished putting out my garden yet.  I have all my tomato plants, but 7 out.  I still need to plant corn, different squashes, pumpkin, okra, cucumbers, sweet peppers, watermelon, Oriental eggplants, more lettuce, and some herbs. 

Tomorrow I will make another batch of  yogurt and then will pick some spinach and an onion from the garden to make fresh spinach dip.  More yummy stuff!  I'm looking forward to our goats having their babies so we have goat milk to make yogurt, buttermilk, and cheese.  I've been using store-bought cow's milk to make my yogurt for now; and while it's good, we enjoy the goat milk so much more.

All of my farmers' markets are open for business now.  And after 5 weeks of attending other events, I was finally back at the Bollinger County Farmers' Market this last Saturday.  It rained, even though the weatherman said it wouldn't until the afternoon.  Attendance was down a bit and most of the vendors left early because of the rain.  

The kids will start Summer School tomorrow.  I will make soap, wrap soap, work in the garden and run to town to buy feed and deliver Avon.  So I'd better get off the computer and bag up the Avon and get supper ready.

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