Would have posted sooner, but Patchwork Acres was having some internet problems, which turned out to be our phone line that plugs into the wireless Airport. Hubby took care of it, and we're back!
We welcomed a new member to the Patchwork Acres family this week...Armani the Goat! He's a beautiful little Nubian buck from registered stock that we got from our goat friend, Julie. (Hi, Julie!) Julie also took the picture that I've included in today's blog. Look at those long ears! Just what we like on the Nubians. Poor little guy cried so much the first day here that his voice was only a squeak for the next couple of days. Armani has adjusted well to his new home and now he just "talks" a lot, something else Nubians are known for. He drinks his milk as fast as our goat babies, who are 3-4 weeks older than him. And he loves attention just as much as the rest of our goats. Right now, the "big girls" don't pay much attention to Armani, but they will come this Fall/Winter because Armani will be old enough to do his part to increase the goat herd here at Patchwork Acres. :) We're hoping for spotted babies since Armani's sire is spotted.